Australia and Pacific prioritise trade cooperation

  • Media Release

Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus (PACER Plus) ministers met today to discuss Pacific trade and development cooperation at the second PACER Plus Ministers’ Meeting.

Assistant Minister for Trade Tim Ayres used the meeting to reaffirm the importance of PACER Plus in deepening trade cooperation in the Pacific and supporting the region’s economic recovery.

“The pandemic has highlighted the importance of close engagement with our Pacific neighbours,” Assistant Minister Ayres said.

“PACER Plus provides an important platform for members to work together to grow trade and investment in the region.”

Assistant Minister Ayres said the meeting was an opportunity to welcome new members Tuvalu and Vanuatu to the PACER Plus family.

“Tuvalu and Vanuatu membership will strengthen the agreement for all PACER Plus parties.”

“Now that our Pacific partners are reopening their borders, Australia is committed to supporting them to actively re-engage in trade within the region and externally.”

The trade agreement is an important part of Australia’s engagement with our Pacific family and underpins our shared interests in a secure, stable and prosperous region.

PACER Plus entered into force on 13 December 2020. Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Australia and New Zealand are Parties to the agreement and Vanuatu’s Parliament ratified the agreement in May. The only signatory remaining to ratify the agreement is Nauru.

Visit PACER Plus for more information

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