Jobs and Skills Summit 2022: Trade is part of the solution

  • Joint media release with:

Minister for Trade and Tourism, Senator the Hon Don Farrell

Today Minister for Trade and Tourism Don Farrell, and Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for Manufacturing Tim Ayres, will host a trade and investment roundtable in Canberra.

Today’s roundtable will bring together over 30 senior representatives, leaders and specialists from the trade and investment industry to discuss how the Government’s trade agenda can best support the needs of Australian businesses

The roundtable will also focus on the skills and workforce needs of Australian exporters looking to diversify their products and markets.

Further roundtables have been scheduled, focussing on how Australia can attract more foreign investment to build domestic capability in priority sectors, and address workforce and skills shortages in Australia’s visitor economy.

The contributions provided by stakeholders today will inform the Australian Government’s Jobs and Skills Summit on 1-2 September.

The Summit’s outcomes will translate to immediate actions and will inform the Full Employment White Paper, which will shape the future of Australia’s labour market.

Quote attributable to Minister for Trade and Tourism, Senator the Hon Don Farrell:

“We are keen to hear from industry groups, businesses and unions on what changes are needed to ensure Australia remains globally competitive into the future.”

“Our expanding network of trade agreements will increase trade opportunities and grow the economic pie, leading to higher paying jobs in leading edge industries. We want to use the Jobs and Skills Summit to plot the path to achieving this outcome.”

Quote attributable to Assistant Minister for Trade, Assistant Minister for Manufacturing Senator the Hon Tim Ayres:

“We’re living in challenging times, and the Government is looking to our greatest resource – our fellow Australians – to find solutions. We want to seize the opportunities that trade can bring as our workforce embraces digital trade, an internationally competitive manufacturing sector and the transition to a green economy.”

For more information, visit Jobs and Skills Summit |

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  • Minister’s office: (02) 6277 3469
  • DFAT Media Liaison: (02) 6261 1555