Australia signs up to the Inclusive Trade Action Group and Global Trade and Gender Arrangement

  • Media Release

I am pleased to announce that on 26 February in the margins of the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference, Australia became a member of the Inclusive Trade Action Group (ITAG) and the Global Trade and Gender Arrangement (GTAGA).

ITAG was launched in 2018 by New Zealand, Canada, and Chile, with a broad focus to ensure that trade delivers for all – women, Indigenous Peoples, small and medium enterprises, as well as promoting high labour and environment standards. ITAG has grown to include Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and now Australia.

In 2020, ITAG established GTAGA including new commitments to cooperate more to support women in trade. Membership of GTAGA includes ITAG members as well as Argentina, Colombia, Peru and now, Australia and Brazil.

Australia’s membership reinforces our enduring commitment to promote sustainable, equitable and inclusive trade, and complements our membership of the Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement. It places us at the table with like-minded partners to shape trade policy to address climate change, labour and human rights, gender equality issues; and drive economic growth for Indigenous People and local communities.

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for Manufacturing, Senator the Hon Tim Ayres:

“I am committed to promoting international trade and investment that drives economic growth for all Australians. By joining ITAG and GTAGA we are demonstrating our belief that equity and inclusion are fundamental principles."

“Australia looks forward to working with ITAG and GTAGA Members to support our respective climate change goals and pathways to achieving sustainable, equitable and inclusive development and prosperity for all our people.”

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  • Minister’s office: (02) 6277 3469
  • DFAT Media Liaison: (02) 6261 1555