40th anniversary of the Torres Strait Treaty

  • Joint media release with:
  • Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Miniater for Foreign Affairs

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the Torres Strait Treaty between Australia and Papua New Guinea, which entered into force on 15 February 1985.

In addition to defining the maritime boundaries between Papua New Guinea and Australia, the Treaty protects the ways of life of traditional inhabitants in the Torres Strait Protected Zone.

The Treaty’s unique provisions allow Torres Strait Islanders and Papua New Guineans from Treaty Villages free movement across borders for traditional activities, such as traditional fishing, cultural and religious ceremonies, social gatherings and trade.

It is particularly important to reflect on the Treaty’s success this year as we look forward to marking the 50th Anniversary of Papua New Guinea’s independence in September.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong:

“The Torres Strait Treaty recognises the kinship between our two countries and our people, reflecting the deeply important relationship between Australia and Papua New Guinea as neighbours, friends and equals.

“We will continue working closely together to advance our shared interests and ensure a peaceful, stable and prosperous Pacific.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy:

“The arrangements in the Treaty are a reflection of the thousands of years of engagement and cultural connection that exist between Papua New Guinea and Australia.

“Australia remains committed to the Torres Strait Treaty, and its assurance to empower our First Nations people and preserve their traditions, as the longest continuous culture on earth.”

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  • DFAT Media Liaison: (02) 6261 1555