Investing in the next generation of Tuberculosis treatment

  • Joint media release with:
  • Senator The Hon Penny Wong, Leader of the Government in the Senate, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Australia is supporting our region to end tuberculosis by investing $17 million in the Global Alliance for Tuberculosis (TB Alliance) to develop more effective treatments for tuberculosis and help ensure they reach those who need them.

Drug-resistant tuberculosis is a major threat in our region. This investment will support TB Alliance to develop and trial a new generation of tuberculosis treatments, including for children.

These new treatments are effective against drug-resistant tuberculosis and are easier for patients to take, helping to prevent further resistance emerging.

Through its new PeerLINC TB Knowledge Hub in Manila, and working with partners such as the Burnet Institute, TB Alliance will support governments to roll out these new treatments including in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Papua New Guinea. This will help to ensure that people with tuberculosis across our region are receiving the best available medicines.

Australia has a steadfast commitment to ending tuberculosis. This new investment builds on our long-standing health partnerships with governments in our region and our ongoing support to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The program is funded through Australia’s Partnerships for a Healthy Region initiative, which supports countries in the Pacific and Southeast Asia to build resilient and equitable health systems.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“Improving the health and wellbeing of communities in Southeast Asia and the Pacific is central to supporting a peaceful, stable and prosperous region.”

“On World Tuberculosis Day, Australia reaffirms our commitment to end tuberculosis.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for International Development and the Pacific, the Hon Pat Conroy MP:

“The Australian Government is supporting the development of the next generation of essential tuberculosis medicines and working to ensure lower income countries can access them at affordable prices.”

“Australia is proud to continue working with TB Alliance and other partners to combat tuberculosis. This disease causes great suffering and poverty in communities across our region, and we are committed to ending it.”

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  • Minister's office: (02) 6277 7840
  • DFAT Media Liaison: (02) 6261 1555