Visit to Papua New Guinea

  • Media Release

Today I will travel to Papua New Guinea to deepen the relationship between our nations. This builds on the high tempo of ministerial engagements since elections in both our countries.

Australia’s relationship with PNG is profoundly important and built on a strong foundation of friendship and respect.

I will attend events commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Kokoda campaign – an important part of our national stories and shared identity with PNG.

I will meet Ministerial counterparts across a range of portfolios, listen to how Australia can best support PNG’s priorities and consult on Australia’s new development policy.

I am looking forward to attending the PNG launch of a new PacificAus Sports partnership, visiting health and infrastructure investments supported by Australia and talking with young Papua New Guineans about their aspirations for the future.

Australia is committed to working together with PNG in the interests of a peaceful, prosperous and resilient Pacific.

Media enquiries

  • Minister's office: (02) 6277 7840
  • DFAT Media Liaison: (02) 6261 1555